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Read moreGreenland has huge and abundant unexploited hydropower potentials. The energy is stable and environmentally sustainable.
Read moreThe Government of Greenland has published existing data on climate and hydrology.
Read moreThe Government of Greenland invites investors to prepare project proposals and bid for two larger hydropower potentials in an open and transparent process. Both potentials are situated on the Southwest coast of Greenland, between Kangerlussuaq and Nuuk. These potentials are the largest currently known and the most well researched. The areas in question are shown on the map below.
Read moreExploitation of hydropower resources in Greenland is based on licencing procedures for prospecting or exploitation of hydropower in Greenland for the production of electricity.
Read moreGreenland’s hydropower resources is managed and administrated by the “energy section” in the Ministry for Agriculture, Self-Sufficiency, Energy and Environment.
Read moreOn 10 May 2022, the Minister for Agriculture, Self-sufficiency, Energy and Environment announced during the World Hydrogen Summit in Rotterdam that Greenland's largest untapped hydropower potentials Tasersiaq and Tarsartuup Tasersua will be launched for competitive tender.
Read moreThe Government of Greenland and Alcoa have made an agreement to release large amounts of historical data relevant for investments in large hydropower plants in West Greenland. With this agreement, the Government of Greenland has bought the data from Alcoa and gains full ownership to make it available to interested third parties. Data is relevant for investors who are considering participation in the tender process for Greenland’s large hydropower potentials.
Read moreSince the announcement in May that the Greenland’s largest untapped hydropower potentials would be launched for competitive tender, the Government has worked at full speed to prepare the terms of tendering and licensing.
Read moreThe Government of Greenland has invited investors to participate in an initial market dialogue to ensure input for the final tendering conditions. By request from investors, the Government of Greenland has decided to extend the dialogue...
Read moreThe Government of Greenland wants to thank all participants in the dialogue. The Government highly appreciates the thorough work of each individual company or group of companies, and the additional wordings in the comments as well as the...
Read moreThe Government of Greenland is making time series of water discharge data from 1974-2021 available to qualified parties upon request. Potential investors, who require this data as input for their decision-making process on participation in the...
Read moreThe Government of Greenland has released anonymous Q&As from the initial market dialogue, and intends to release an updated timetable for the tender process within the coming weeks. See the Q&As here
Read moreFrom September 18 to 20, 2023, Minister Kalistat Lund traveled to Maniitsoq and nearby settlements. During this time, participated in several meetings with the communities initiating a dialogue on the hydropower potential of Tasersiaq and Tarsartuup Tasersua.
Read moreThe Government of Greenland allocates further financial resources towards the large-scale tender of the hydropower potentials at Tasersiaq and Tarsartuup Tasersua.
Read moreThe Government of Greenland announces the next step for the large scale hydropower tender.
Read moreOn January 22, Minister Kalistat Lund conducted a press conference for the Greenlandic media outlets about the Government of Greenland’s objectives in the realm of the green transition.
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